Emmanuel Baptist Church exists to make and mature faithful disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God through the uncompromising proclamation and application of His Word.
About Emmanuel Baptist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church exists because of the unfathomable mercy of God to call people out of darkness into light. Each born again member of EBC has come to realize by God’s grace who God is and their great need of Jesus Christ to save them from the judgment to come for our sins against Him. Having recognized Jesus Christ as both Lord and Saviour, we now live with distinct purpose on the earth to make known His glory to others out of obedience to His command to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20).
We exist to teach, preach, and live out the Bible, the very Word of God, in all its fullness with the strength and wisdom God provides, to see people converted to obey Jesus Christ and grow in His likeness in every part of life. The Word of God is living and active, able to revive the soul and give instruction for a life that pleases our Creator. Since all Scripture is sufficient and unequalled for explaining the world around us and how to best live in the midst of the sin and suffering that exists in the world, we seek to build redemptive relationships in which the truth of the Word of God is spoken in love to build others up to love God and neighbour more, and love self less, as we look to the example of Jesus Christ, the greatest Servant of all. As we expectantly await His return we want to be salt and light in the world, using our God-given gifts, talents, resources, and time to make much of Him out of thankfulness for what He has done for us.
We desire that all would come to knowledge of the truth, repent of their sins, and be saved as we have been saved to know the joys of eternal life that come through knowing, trusting, and obeying God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. As such, we want to be active in reaching others at home and abroad with the same good news we have come to know about how Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. We will proclaim God’s Word publicly and privately without compromise to bring God glory as people are saved and made more holy through the Spirit-filled ministry of God’s Word, and seek to equip like-minded missionaries through prayerful financial support as part of our effort to reach a dying world with the Gospel.
Emmanuel Baptist Church gathers regularly to worship the one living and true God in spirit and truth. The preaching of God’s Word is central to every worship service. We read Scripture and pray publicly. We sing theologically-rich lyrics together as we learn Christ-exalting contemporary songs and preserve the rich Christian heritage bound up in older hymns that speak of God’s grace to us in Jesus Christ. We practice the two ordinances given to us by Christ Himself, baptism and the Lord’s Table. We value Christ-centred fellowship as we seek to stir one another up to love and good works, encouraging fellow believers to persevere in the truth of God’s Word in anticipation of spending an eternity worshipping and serving the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Service Times
Sunday Morning Service: @ 9:30 AM
Sunday Bible Class: @ 11:00 AM (Immediately following the morning service.)
Sunday Evening Service: @ 6:00 PM (A 12:30 PM afternoon service replaces the evening service on the first and third Sunday of each month. Please check the Events page for an updated schedule.)
Wednesday Bible Study: @ 7:00 PM
Our nursery ministry is available in all services for children under 3. Junior Church ministry takes place in the morning worship service for children aged 3–7.